

About my pet

I have a cat at my parents' house.
Her name is Mari and she's 4 years old and moggy.
My parents adopted her from nearby florist.
I can only see her when I visit my parents because I live far from their house.
At out first meeting, she was afraid of me so she didn't approach me.
But last time I was there, she nuzzled my feet, appearing to get used to me little by little.
I want her to sleep next to me next time, but it seems difficult for her yet


I like Spaghetti, so I make it very often.
I'm not picky about the brand but I prefer DE CECCO Spaghetti because I can get it at stores nearby my home.
I don't know the exact details about its ingredients and production method, but I like its smooth texture.
One blogger said you should use DE CECCO when you prepare spaghetti with garlic and oil, so I cooked it by her advice, and I thought the flavors turned out to be a very good match.

About my hobby

Today's diary is about my hobby.
I like playing guitar and video games.
I started guitar at the age of 14 and I have been playing it ever since.
I mainly do rock.
I use the Fender Stratocaster, but I broke bridge pickup while playing the other day.
So I want to send it for repair.
As far as video games go, I love the fighting game Guilty Gear and I often play it.
I feel extremely frustrated when I couldn't win the game.
But since 1 game is short and easy to play, I tend to play it.
I am interested in the recently released SEKIRO, so I want to play it sometime soon.

About my job

Today, I will write about my job.
I work as a game programmer.
As a game programmer, I use computer programming to create video games.
The game engines I use most often when developing games is Unity, but I also use the Unreal Engine pretty often.
I use the programming language C#, because Unity uses it.
As far as video game genres, I have made sports, action, and RPG games, but not music games yet.
I want to make one someday.

About my hometown


Today, I'll write about my hometown Hokkaido.
Hokkaido is located in the most northern area in Japan.
Living in summer of Hokkaido is comfortable because of its moderate temperature.
But, in contrast, living in winter of Hokkaido is severe because of heavy snowing.
There are a lot of famous local foods, fish, vegetable, meat in Hokkaido.
Especially well known is Genghis Khan.
Genghis Khan is the style of lamb barbecue, and has been popular food commonly.
It has unique flavor but it's very good taste.
I want you to eat it on your trip to Hokkaido.




Hapa英会話セニサックジュンがおすすめする英会話学習法「ジャーナリング」 | 英会話教材をぶった斬る!







$ vi .gitignore
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